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"The South African Bonsai Association" means The South African Bonsai Association, a Non-Profit Organisation registration number 2022/271010/08 having its registered offices at 5 van Rensburg Street, Nelspruit, Mpumalanga. South Africa, duly registered and incorporated in terms of the laws of South Africa.

"We" means the South African Bonsai Association, and "our" has a corresponding meaning.

South African Bonsai Association owns and operates this website. 

These terms and conditions set out the terms and conditions regulating your interaction with this website/internet pages. By accessing this website and/or by interacting with this website in any manner whatsoever, you agree to be bound by these terms and conditions, and you warrant in favour of the South African Bonsai Association and in favour of South African Bonsai Association that you are 18 years of age, or older. The South African Bonsai Association reserves the right to amend and/or replace these terms and conditions (either in part or in whole) from time to time. Should you disagree with these terms and conditions, or any part thereof, you must not access or interact with this website.

This website is intended to provide general information about the South African Bonsai Association, activities, outreach programmes, events, meetings, exhibitions, etc. This website is not meant to provide advice or instructions concerning any products or services by the South African Bonsai Association, nor does the South African Bonsai Association through this website offer any goods or services for sale or for hire. No prices or rates quoted on this website are binding on the South African Bonsai Association, and such prices and/or rates do not constitute an offer, by the South African Bonsai Association, to sell.

This website contains information interests, education and entertainment which are targeted at a wide range of audiences and could contain product details or information otherwise not accessible or valid in your country.  Please be aware that we do not take any responsibility for anyone accessing such information which may not comply with any legal process, regulation, registration, or usage in the country from where you are accessing this website.

We will take reasonable steps to provide you with accurate and up-to-date information. However, we cannot be held liable for any losses or damage occurring in relation to your reliance on this information, howsoever such losses or damage may arise. We do not make any representation, nor do we extend any warranty or guarantee of any nature, either explicitly, impliedly or by conduct. Without limiting the aforesaid, we expressly disclaim all express and implied warrantees including, but not limited to, warrantees in respect of, merchantability, fitness for a specific purpose, title compatibility, security, accuracy and non-infringement and accordingly we do not make any assurances with regard to the accuracy, appropriateness, correctness or completeness of the supplied, or referred, information. Without limiting the aforesaid, we do not guarantee that this website, webpages or links are without viruses or other harmful elements. The use of this website, the associated webpages and all other linked websites or pages with which they are connected, as well as the use of the information contained in this website, webpages and/or linked websites or pages, is entirely at your own risk. The South African Bonsai Association, its affiliates, directors, consultants, members or representatives, nor any other party involved in the production, provision, design or maintenance of this website or individual parts thereof, or of the websites or webpages linked to this website, is liable in any form for any direct or indirect damage, special, incidental, consequential or punitive damage, or damage with or without fault which may occur as a result of access to, the use of, or inability to use this website or the websites that may be linked to this website. 

This website also contains information from third parties and suggests links to other internet pages. Wherever possible, these are marked accordingly. We cannot accept any liability in respect of linked websites, nor for information provided by third parties. Without limiting the generality of the aforegoing, we do not endorse, nor do we make any representations, or extend any warrantees, in respect of linked websites, or in respect of information contained in linked websites. We do not carry any knowledge of the manner in which linked websites are managed or operated, accordingly no warrantees are given, nor are any representations made, in respect of linked websites' privacy policies, nor in respect of such websites' security practices.

All pictures and information contained in this website or any of these webpages, insofar as they are reproducible, are protected by copyright or by other intellectual property rights. The use and reproduction of this information is not permitted without the prior written consent of either the South African Bonsai Association, depending upon the party in whom the rights vest. Without limiting the generality of the aforegoing, unless you have obtained the express prior written consent of the South African Bonsai Association, you may not apply framing which incorporates any of this information, nor may any link incorporate such information. Any link to this website must be to the homepage thereof, no deep linking is allowed. We reserve the right not to allow links which, in the opinion of the South African Bonsai Association, the South African Bonsai Association, in disrepute, or is in some manner contrary to our interests.

We reserve the right to change the contents of this website, or to discontinue this website, without prior notice to you, whenever we consider this appropriate. No liability ensues from this.

You may not tamper with, or in any manner modify this website, or any part thereof, nor may your copy or reproduce the whole or any part of this website. Without limiting the generality of the aforegoing, you may not decompile nor reverse engineer this website or any part thereof.

These terms and conditions shall be governed, construed and interpreted in accordance with the laws of the Republic of South Africa.

Should you be accessing this website from outside of the Republic of South Africa, or should the South African courts for any reason not ordinarily have jurisdiction over you, you agree, in the event of any dispute arising under or in respect of these terms and conditions, or where any question of law pertaining to, or flowing from, these terms and conditions is to be answered by a court of law, to submit yourself to the jurisdiction of the High Court of South Africa, Gauteng Local Division, Johannesburg, or its successor in title, or to the jurisdiction of any other high court in whose jurisdiction the head office of South African Bonsai Association may be situated at the relevant time. We shall reserve legal service of documents at South African Bonsai Association's address reflected on the homepage of this website.

Should any part of these terms and conditions be held to be illegal, invalid or unenforceable for any reason, such provision/s shall be struck from these terms and conditions, and the remaining provisions shall remain fully enforceable.

These terms and conditions constitute the whole agreement in respect of the subject matter hereof, and no agreement, representations, or warrantees not recorded herein is binding on the South African Bonsai Association and you. 

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