Rudi Adams
In 1976 Rudi started a place of learning as well as a nursery. At first his main objective was just to teach others the art of bonsai and to find an outlet for the trees created during classes and workshop sessions. But over the years Rudi, together with his wife Pat, developed this into a full-time bonsai nursery offering what any bonsai enthusiast may require: starter plants, semi-developed bonsai, fully fledged mature bonsai and everything that goes with that. But most importantly, the nursery has become a centre of knowledge that develops new talent and offers support and information to bonsai enthusiasts – amateurs and experts alike.
Aside from authoring the book Bonsai in South Africa and various training guides for his classes and workshops, Rudi has been a regular speaker at South African bonsai conventions and bonsai clubs. Over the past decade alone he has accumulated some 90 awards for his trees at various exhibitions. His trees have also been used as material in the books of many other authors (both local and foreign) on bonsai.
January 2017, Rudi passed away and his trees were placed in his estate and were later auctioned.